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Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version

from 439,00 EUR
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Manufacturer: Hydro&Marine O. Siess
More products of: Hydro&Marine O. Siess
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Products description

Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
New development Supercat of the Powerbootklasse

Carbon&Cevlar on stock !

Semiscale catamaran in the design of the new Formula 1 offshore catamaran scene

The new Agi XL Mk II is finally finished. Completely redesigned.  Our cats are developed as a modelboat and are only optically adapted to the original.
Our cats could be be powered by one strong motor and drive fast and stable up to 130 km/h.
Using twins our cat will be an hard to catch boat on the water in any performance level up to SAW worldrecord 238 km/h (147,86 mph)
The new features:
  • Complete stern redisigned
  • rounded in the bow
  • Underwater hull completely revised
  • New laminate mould
  • Available in 3 versions:
    • Fiberglass hull in multilayer laminate 
    • Glass fiber + carbon fiber & aramid sandwich in multilayer laminate   (on stock) 
    • Bulletproof glass fiber + carbon + carbon&aramid  fiber sandwich in multilayer laminate
    • NEW hulls customized for you, also in different colours avaivable, chooce your favorite colour in "options"
Now he's here! The Superkat for Speedfreaks! Optimized for various engine variants from 2280 single drive to  2 x 3040 leathers.
New speed record SAW Munich  238 km/h
Hull Specification:
  • Multi-Layer-Fiberglas finished hull in Epoxy resin
  • High-gloss white gelcoat
  • Canopy extra large sized, in the fuselage with rim edge
  • Complete hull one-piece wet in wet glued
  • Including German building instructions
  • Shipping by bulky parcel, oversize model
Technical specifications:
Length:1200 mm
Length (overall): *1350 mm *
Width:358 mm
RC:Rudder, speed regulation
Drive E-version:
1 x 12s1p Lehner 2280-8
1 x 14 Ss2p Lehner 3040
2 x 8-10S1P 2250-80 Lehner twin drive
Motor Hotline 0049- (0) 9405-6000
Electric Version / Cells: 
1 x 12-14 LiPo 1 or 2p
2 x 6- 12 LiPo
Glow Version:1 x 11-15 ccm incandescent fuse / 2 x 7.5 - 13 ccm incandescent fuse
Competition Class:Power boats, SAW

* Overall length defines the overall size of the model with rudder and shaft assembly (luggage compartment size).

Shipping costs to third countries (USA, CA, etc.) for models over 1200 mm are calculated manually by us and depend on the country our online store shows only the shipping costs for DE and EU. 

Our engine recommendations *:

Setup Leopard 2motor sport tuning (inexpensive china motor):


Setup LEHNER 2-motor top-speed  (high-quality / high-quality engine):

    8s1p * Windings = Lehner 2260 HiAmp Air & Watercooled


Setup LEHNER SINGLE top speed  (high quality / high quality engine):


Setup LEHNER 2motor SAW-Dragster (high quality / high quality engine):

12-1p each * Windings = Lehner 3040 HiAmp Air & Watercooled
* Depending on the speed and travel time, you can use the speed dial for further details
Please use our Motorhotline 0049- (0) 405-6000
** We recommend only high-quality rechargeable batteries when tuning with low cell numbers
(From SLS Magnum V2 45C) and actuator from min. 200 amp duration to use!


You can find further pictures in our picture archive wink










Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version
Agitator XL 120 WE Mk II New version

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Servo add

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