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Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid

393,00 EUR
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Shipping time: 3-6 business days
Product no.: 21068
Manufacturer: Hydro&Marine O. Siess
More products of: Hydro&Marine O. Siess

Products description

Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid
Semi Scale Formula Kat 8-10 LiPos o. 6.5 to 13 ccm home o. Outboard

The skaters XL is a scale model of the catamaran Formula I-competition class.

The model impresses with its streamlined design and through the outboard catamarans typical slanting driving image.


(Single hull) Formula I catamaran for E or V-drive

The skaters XL is a scale model catamaran with outboard drive of the Formula I-class competition.

  • Coal & aramid sandwich laminate, custom-made Epoxiharzqualität
  • high-gloss white colored
  • Hull & deck integrally bonded wet in wet
  • German building guidance
Technical Specifications:
Length:810 mm
Length (oa):920 mm
Width:375 mm
RC:Rudder, electronic speed control(ESC), mixture
E-version:1 x 800 Economy / 1 x 2240 to 2250 x 700 /// 2 Economy / 2 x Lehner 1930/40 Brushless
Number of cells:8 LiPo 4000-5000 mAh / 30C min ..
Glow-Version:7.5 to 13 ccm
Competition class:7.5 OTB Stock / Modified

More images can be found in our photo archive! wink


Motorisierungsvarianten Leopard Sport Abstimmung (preiswerter China-Motor) :

6-7s1p  =  Leopard LBP4082/2Y Brushless Motor 4polig -1600kV-

Motorisierungsvariante LEHNER Top-Speed Abstimmung (hochwertiger/teillastfähiger Qualitäts-Motor) :

6s1p*-7 Windungen  = Lehner 2250 HiAmp Air&Watercooled

Motorisierungsvariante LEHNER Super-Hot Abstimmung (hochwertiger/teillastfähiger Qualitäts-Motor) :

8s1p*-6 Windungen   = Lehner 2260 HiAmp Air&Watercooled


Product safety information:  


Hydro & Marine O. Siess
Traberhofstr. 44
83026 Rosenheim - Germany


Responsible person

Oliver Siess
Hydro & Marine  O. Siess
Traberhofstr. 44
83026 Rosenheim – Germany

Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid
Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid
Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid
Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid
Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid
Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid
Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid
Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid
Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid
Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid
Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid
Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid
Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid
Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid
Skater XL Mk II CFK/Aramid

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